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Skyscapes 2001-2002

Red sky at night

Skyscapes marked a departure from the organic, microscope related works of the previous years. Inspired by time on holiday in Spain watching endless puffs of white cloud swirl and grow as they were blown across a large blue sky. I became fascinated with the gaseous, almost formless structures the clouds could take.

Watching the clouds form in the sky above the coastline I became aware of how the slightest breeze would send the shape into a spin, revealing its 3d structure. This led me to think of how to represent this movement and change.

From the huge stock of cloud photographs I had taken I selected shapes, which had a either a nebulous gaseous quality for Red Sky at Night, or vapour trail like for Jet-stream.

Working with these images in Photoshop I found that combining a close up of each image could create a panoramic experience suggesting sequence, change and exploration.

Shortly after these works I began working on the series 'From the atmosphere' which further explored meteorological imagery.